Patrick Scally joins the CDT as the Executive Lead for ReRoute
We are delighted to announce that Patrick Scally is joining HWFI CDT as the Executive Lead for our ReRoute Programme. Patrick joins us from LB Hackney and Tower Hamlets' Creative Enterprise Zone. He brings a wealth of knowledge about the local area as well as practical knowledge about place-based economic development and local engagement.
“The experience Patrick has had working at the London Borough of Hackney and Tower Hamlets Creative Enterprise Zone gives him a great starting point to take this project to the next level and I know he will be integral to its success. We’re delighted he is joining the team.”
The ReRoute programme is a project designed by local people and businesses in Hackney Wick and Fish Island aimed at tackling climate change by coordinating local action and working together. The project has involved over 50 people, local authorities, institutions and businesses all of whom already participate or want to participate in taking climate change action. Our proposal is to test, trial, scale and grow ideas and business initiatives that seek to reduce the amount of waste and emissions in the local area.
With Patrick joining the team, the programme will be moving forward at pace, and exciting opportunities for local businesses and the community are coming soon - watch this space!
This post has been enabled by UKSPF's Future Industries Demonstrator Programme launched by SHIFT.
“Working alongside the CDT here in HWFI for many years now, I believe their mission, approach and impact is essential for the area. I’m thrilled to be joining the team. From my first day in post, I want to continue the great work done by the CDT and listen to all voices in the community, so we can chart a path forward together. So, if you see me in the neighbourhood, let’s connect.”