We work in partnership to unlock opportunities and ensure local influence in decision-making

HWFI Textile Reuse Hub ©Marcin Nowak

We need your experience and participation to take community action

Are you a resident or do you work in the area?

Whether you’ve lived and worked in the HWFI for years or you’re new to the area, you’ll have witnessed change. Change can bring both benefits and challenges. We want your input into how new and existing spaces are made available and used for the benefit of the community.

Are you a charity, social enterprise or local business?

If you provide a service to the community and/ or are a local employer, we want to understand what you can offer, what support you might need and how we can include you in key-decision making.

Are you a landlord or landowner?

We are committed to building positive and constructive working relationships with landlords (both public and private sector) and developers to help unlock opportunities. We bring community insight into what is needed locally, networks to engage with on plans for the future and partnership opportunities for development. If you are a landowner or developer in the area, we welcome the opportunity to work together.

Are you a local young person?

We are working with partners Rise Up East, part of Hackney CVS and Hackney Quest, to provide opportunities for young people to get involved in designing their neighbourhood. Initiatives include supporting Hackney Quest's campaign for a safer Red Path; working with young people and the boroughs on improvements to the public realm; creating a programme for young people to develop their businesses in circular economy; and securing spaces for young people.

Are you non-of the above but want to get involved?

There’s a good chance there are people who do not fit into the above who can make a valuable and welcome contribution to the HWFI CDT so please reach out to tell us why and find out how you could be involved .